Andrew (10 months) just threw a *hissy-fit* during dinner. . . and, WOW! Does he do a great imitation of a bull moose!? We used to think that his sister was noisy. . . and then I gave birth to a B-O-Y! He is such a sweet baby, all smiles and cuddles. . . until it is time to eat, and then: watch out! Rule number one: do not get between Andrew and food. Rule number two: shovel food into his mouth with speed, precision, and consistency. Rule number three: keep track of how much Andrew eats because he will keep eating until he explodes.
Last week, Andrew learned how to pull up and stand. Now he thinks he knows how to walk. Poor kid. I hope he learns quickly.
Last week, Andrew learned how to pull up and stand. Now he thinks he knows how to walk. Poor kid. I hope he learns quickly.