Wednesday, March 23, 2005


Andrew (10 months) just threw a *hissy-fit* during dinner. . . and, WOW! Does he do a great imitation of a bull moose!? We used to think that his sister was noisy. . . and then I gave birth to a B-O-Y! He is such a sweet baby, all smiles and cuddles. . . until it is time to eat, and then: watch out! Rule number one: do not get between Andrew and food. Rule number two: shovel food into his mouth with speed, precision, and consistency. Rule number three: keep track of how much Andrew eats because he will keep eating until he explodes.

Last week, Andrew learned how to pull up and stand. Now he thinks he knows how to walk. Poor kid. I hope he learns quickly.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

How Tone Gives Words *NEW* Meanings

Have you ever tried to have a normal conversation with someone only to have the tone of your words be all wrong? For instance, you are relating to your friend how you managed to get that awful grease spot out of the ________ (you fill in the blank) and somehow, it comes out sounding like you are telling your friend, in no uncertain terms, that they obviously don't have the brains or the upbringing to know that your way is the only way! *sigh* The sad part is that we won't usually hear the way it sounds.

I wonder what I would hear if someone recorded my voice for one day. . . no, too long! One hour, maybe? I have a sick feeling that my words would slap me in the face. I have a tendency to be overly dramatic and sometimes stringent in my tone. I am grateful that the Lord has brought it to my attention. I grieve when I think how often I use my voice to tear others down. No, it isn't intentional, but it happens anyway.

Remember being told, "think before you speak" and "for his mouth speaks from that which fills his heart?" (Luke 6:45b) Here is another to add to them: "He who loves purity of heart and whose speech is gracious, the king shall be his friend." (Proverbs 22:11) So, if gracious words come from a pure heart, isn't this what I should be asking God to give me?

"Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." (Psalm 51:10)

Friday, March 04, 2005

"Old" Folks At Home

Here I am, finally attempting to start a blog! My reason for this is simple: I hope to use this blog to connect with family and friends back home. I am always amazed at the changes that take place at home between my visits. For instance, my baby sister has grown up! Somehow I always think of her as a little girl. But the proofs of her maturity are staring me in the face every time I read her blog. (Beka) Then there are all the weddings and births, funerals and graduations that occur when I am not there to witness them. There is a real disconnect between my life here and my old life as it has continued back home. Sometimes I wonder what I would be doing if I were back home right now. I guess I might be heading down to CA for Uncle Bernard's funeral tomorrow. I wonder.
And then I realize that my daughter Katie has finished "reading" her book and climbed out of her playpen and little Andrew is crying, in need of a diaper change. . . and I abruptly come back to the here and now, roll up my sleeves and get back to work.